agentic learning
ai lab

ProCreate, Don't Reproduce! Propulsive Energy Diffusion for Creative Generation

Authors: Jack Lu, Ryan Teehan, and Mengye Ren

Abstract: In this paper, we propose ProCreate, a simple and easy-to-implement method to improve sample diversity and creativity of diffusion-based image generative models and to prevent training data reproduction. ProCreate operates on a set of reference images and actively propels the generated image embedding away from the reference embeddings during the generation process. We propose FSCG-8 (Few-Shot Creative Generation 8), a few-shot creative generation dataset on eight different categories -- encompassing different concepts, styles, and settings -- in which ProCreate achieves the highest sample diversity and fidelity. Furthermore, we show that ProCreate is effective at preventing replicating training data in a large-scale evaluation using training text prompts.

Published: 2024-08-05

Venue: The 18th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2024)